Category: Culture

Backpacking in Cuba – Culture, Cigares and Havana

Backpacking cuba

Why Cuba? I’ve often been asked that and maybe not everyone will share the same opinion after a trip to Cuba, but the Caribbean island wraps you around your finger with its charm and unconventional nature. Because it’s not like the other Caribbean islands. Flights to the Dominican Republic, for example, cost just a quarter as much. And then there is this political situation in the country that everyone is afraid of. But those who are not looking for the material paradise, but a cultural one, whose charm and charm is not affordable or tangible, will take Cuba into their hearts. For me, it is an adventure and not just a usual holiday with all the self-evidences. In my mind one has all these pictures of happy people dancing and making music on the beach or in colourful alleys, but also of scarcity economy and hard restrictions of human rights.

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